A Drop of Wizard's Blood
This book took top honors in Fantasy and Finalist awards in Young Adult Fiction and Cover Design at the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. I wrote it while living aboard our sailboat on Guam. It is one of three stand-alone books in The Eye of the Stallion fantasy series and is part of the saga of the Time drifters and star-crossed lovers, Dag-gar and Sonoria.
Traveling to Guam in March 2017
A Carolinian proa or outrigger canoe, sails in Guam's Apra Harbor.
While I was on Guam last June as a delegate to the Pacific Arts Festival, I was approached about speaking before a meeting of the Guam Chapter of the International Literacy Association (formerly the International Reading Association) on March 11, 2017. I was honored to be invited and look forward to returning to Guam, which was my home for eleven years and to where I have returned each of the eight years since I retired and mo...
Works in Progress
The Deep Forest, the Sugarhouse, and the Spirit and Soul of New England
As a farm boy who grew up in the remote hills of rural New England, I experienced the forest as a place of deep peace and profound mystery, a place filled with ancient spirits and lurking ghosts. Set back in that forest there was often a sugarhouse, a simple, roughly built place where New England farmers boiled maple sap down to its sugary essence. In my imagination all this Shakespearian boiling and bubbling captured and...
Book Signings at Sundial Book Store, Chingoteague Island, Virginia
It was a long, warm summer, but a good one. On June 14, 2016, and again on August 2, 2016, during the famous pony round up and swim we had successful book signings at the Sundial Book Store on Chincoteague Island in Virginia.
Thanks for two great afternoons meeting people and talking about writing. And, we will be back for another signing around Thanksgiving. I'll post the dates as soon as they're set. Hope see you there!
Brothers of the Fire Star—2013 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards Finalist
Brothers of the Fire Star has been selected as a finalist in three categories in New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards:
Fiction-Young Adult
The final winners will be announced at the awards banquet on November 15, 2013 in Albuquerque.
Brothers of the Fire Star—2012 Book of the Year Finalist
Brothers of the Fire Star was selected by ForeWord Reviews as a finalist in the 2012 Book of the Year awards. ForeWord Reviews recognizes distinguished books from independent and academic presses nationwide.
With Jennifer Szunko of ForeWord Reviews at the ForeWord Reviews Award Ceremony in Chicago
during the annual convention of the American Library Association