The Mirrors of Castaway Time:
Book II in The Eye of the Stallion Series
Then, as the flames leaped upwards, it seemed that instead of the twenty torches the men had lit, there were forty, and then a hundred, and then more. Sonoria turned around, and then around again. Mirrors had been set next to each torch—wide, multifaceted mirrors that hung on chains and turned in the wind, reflecting the blazing light in a thousand directions, igniting the top of the hill with red-yellow fire. And in these mirrors, among the flashing, spinning light, she saw glimpses of herself, wild-haired, tall, and gaunt, gripping a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.
The Mirrors of Castaway Time In this, Book II of the series, Sonoria and Dag-gar's love feud has caused the swirling forces of the universe to run amok releasing a monstrous tyrant upon the world.
Mirrors of Castaway Time - Book Excerpt
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